#12 - What is currently happening on earth?
Fragen, die man immer mal fragen wollte
(oder auch noch nie je erwogen hat...)
Direkt aus dem Kosmos. Unplugged. Die Worte und Frequenzen exakt wie ich sie erhalte.
Übersetzungshelfer: einfach, den Text https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=de&op=translate&hl=en
eingeben, den Ihr (noch) nicht versteht...
#11 - Are only humans working on tasks and missions on earth?
#10 - Why and how do the right skills come to the right tasks and missions?
#9 - How does 5th-dimensional management operate?
#8 - How does Connection help in team collaboration?
#7 - How do humans connect?
#6 - What about being a networker or netweaver?
#4 - Do we have multiple of these sacred relationships in the cosmos?
#5 - What is the difference between the sacred relationship with God and a sacred relationships?
#3 - What is the relationship between sacred relationships and romance on earth?