New Moon CONNECTION Ceremony January 11/12, 2024
Thu, 11 Jan
In this ceremony, you are guided to anchor a pillar of light carrying higher-dimensional CONNECTION frequencies into your home and/or workplace. This prepares these places to receive ONENESS frequencies at Newmoon in February. Neumondzeremonie zur Verankerung von Lichtsäulen mit VERBINDUNGS-Energie

Time & Place
11 Jan 2024, 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm GMT+1
About the Event
Do you also feel the Golden Calling to bring more CONNECTION and ONENESS to humanity and the earth? If you’d like to actively contribute to this purpose, you can now in Jan and Feb join this sacred global mission where higher-dimensional codes are gifted to humanity.
This mission was initiated by a German-speaking circle of 55 people who have now been guided to invite and involve people from around the globe to share these powerful codes in two ceremonies on the first new moons of 2024. (Find more background information below).
Come and participate LIVE in person or online in both ceremonies - conducted on Waiheke Island, Aotearoa-New Zealand mainly consisting of singing and sounding together that’s possible for everyone together with some guidance in English and German:
🌚 Ceremony 1: January 11th, 20h (PM) European time = January 12th 8h (AM) NZT see other time zones here Grounding light pillars with higher-dimensional codes of CONNECTION (12D, Christ and Mahatma Consciousness) to illuminate your home and /or workplace
🌚 Ceremony 2: February 9th, 7h (AM) European time = Feb 9th, 19h (PM) NZT: see other time zones here Receive ancient Pleiadian-Lemurian and other star codes of ONENESS stored in the Inner Earth Libraries of today’s largely flooded continent of Zealandia to illuminate humanity and the earth
And there is more!! We received that these codes will not only help re-connect humanity but also beings and civilisations throughout our galaxy.
EVERYONE who participates will become a conduit of ONENESS energy to all the places their heart and soul is connected to on earth and beyond.
Since October 2022, Mission Teams of human and spirit light workers have been working together on the 🔆 ILLUMINATION 🔆 of places on Earth, gifting Mother Earth and humanity with higher-dimensional light frequencies from the Spirit World. This is done through energetic plasma light pillars interconnected via a light network.
In an initial mission, a Mother Light Pillar was anchored in June 2023 with 81 people at Casa Sangam, a holistic retreat center in Umbria, the green heart of Italy, inspired amongst others by Francis of Assisi. Since then we anchored several hundred light pillars in homes and workplaces through light bridges in Europe.
Currently, these light pillars are being filled by the 12th dimension and the Central Sun "Elsiaan" with golden frequency codes of CONNECTION energised with Christ and Mahatma consciousness. These codes are intended to assist Earth in bringing polarity, duality, and divisions on many levels back into a unified harmony: Heaven (above) and Earth (below), Feminine/Yin (left) and Masculine/Yang (right), Past (behind) and Future (in front), Modern People and Ancient Cultures, Global North and Global South, Colonies and Colonial Powers, Political Left and Right, Social Groups, etc. The kaleidoscopic principle of "Unity in Diversity" forms the basis for joy and peace.
The core mission team consists of 22 LightWorkers who, in the last 2 years under Jayahnia's guidance, have grown into a special form of LightWorking called "Golden Co-Creation."(a form of 5th-dimensional management)
Following guidance from the Spirit World, we will offer ONE opportunity of an English-speaking New Moon ceremony (although not much is spoken actually), to anchor new pillars. The ceremony will be supported and held by many European Keepers of existing pillars. This ceremony prepares for The new moon ceremony in February, when ONENESS light will be filling our pillars from the Inner Earth Dimensions.
A wonderful side effect (and gift from the Spiritual World to all participating LightWorkers) is that these codes of CONNECTION will not only illuminate the places of the pillars yet also flow through you during these ceremonies, gradually activating and integrating many aspects of connectedness in you and your life.
Under the guidance of the intergalactic council, we have been intensifying these light pillars since July 2023 to expand their light potential as a preparation for an activation with even higher galactic frequencies All-ONE-ness or UNITY.
Join our collective ceremonies with light language, songs, crystals, and many co-light-workers from the Spirit World. Each ceremony has four phases:
- Connection in a circle (Chanting OM)
- Cleansing and liberation from non-connectedness frequencies (Chanting the Green Tara Mantra) plus live channelling of light language
- Anchoring/Intensifying light pillars, including the activation of connectedness frequencies (Te Aroha - Maori song) plus live channelling of light language
- Ceremonial conclusion in a circle (OM)
We are supported to sing along all songs through on-screen-texts and instruments.
We welcome all souls to join us because all our united energies multiply into a powerful group energy not only for Earth and humanity but also as ascending energy through the pillars back into the galaxy.
You can participate in this New Moon ceremony live online or at a later time of your choice via recording. You will receive relevant links in both the confirmation email and the reminder email the day before. If you do not receive this email within a few minutes after booking, be sure to check your Spam/Junk folder or follow the email tips at
Preferably paid by IBAN-bank transfer (but credit/debit card or PayPal are also possible). The proceeds go to the Light Pillar Mission Fund.
🌟 Wir grüßen Dich du liebes Seelenlicht 🌟
In Zeiten des Umbruchs und des Neubeginns ist es wichtiger denn je, sich seines Selbst bewusst zu werden, sich rückzuverbinden mit den Ahnen, Wesen der Natur, den Kristallen, dem Wasser, dem ganzen irdisch Heiligen, dem Kosmos und der Quelle Allen Seins.
Am 09. Februar 2024, um 7.00 Uhr morgens, findet eine internationale Zeremonie am Neumond auf der Kristallinsel Waiheke Island in Neuseeland („Lemurien“) statt.
Dort im weitgehend gefluteten Kontinent Zealandia trifft sich unser All-Eins-SEIN Missionsteam (eine deutschsprachige GemEINschaft aus Gleichgesinnten) mit Heilern, Schamanen, Priestern und Lichtarbeitern aus aller Welt, um gemeinsam wirklich "Weltbewegendes" zu bewirken und uns rückzuerinnern, wer wir eigentlich sind.
Altes heiliges Wissen, Hohes Bewusstsein, Anbindungsportale und Energien werden offenbart und uns Menschen wieder zur Verfügung gestellt.
Durch deine Anmeldung, dein Teilnahmeticket, kannst du eine energetische Verbindung zu der gesamten All-Eins-SEIN Mission herstellen und unser Missionsteam unterstützen.
Seit November 2023 bringen hier 55 Menschen über fünf Monate hinweg ihre Gaben, Frequenzen und Talente in die All-Eins-SEIN Mission ein. Ein Projekt, das darauf abzielt, den Ausgleich zu Polarität und Getrenntheit in unserer Welt zu schaffen. Die Mission basiert auf den Prinzipien des Mitgefühls, der Gemeinsamkeit, Verbundenheit und Ganzheitlichkeit. Und es umfasst Seminare, Zeremonien, Meditationsveranstaltungen, Bilder, Lieder und anderes.
- Als Höhepunkt entsteht eine Internationale Zeremonie am 9. Februar 2024 um 7.00 morgens (CET) /7.00 abends (NZT) in Waiheke Island, Neuseeland, die das Bewusstsein des All-EINS-Seins weltweit fördert.
- Zur Vorbereitung findet am 11. Januar 2024 um 20.00 (CET) = 12. Januar 8am (NZT) online eine Internationale Neumond-Zeremonie statt. Über das Licht der VERBUNDENHEIT, durch neue oder bereits aktivierte Lichtsäulen, erhalten wir die Möglichkeit, die schlummernden Samen des All-Eins-SEINS zu aktivieren, so dass sie sich entfalten können.
Darum lasst uns Alle in diesen Zeremonien zusammen kommen:
- weil wir unser All-EINS-Sein-Bewusstsein in der Mission, durch die Mission und die Zeremonien erweitern und in uns integrieren
- weil wir dadurch dem Göttlichen All-Eins-SEIN durch uns als Menschen auf der Erde Ausdruck geben, um im neuen Bewusstsein auf der Erde gemeinsam zu leben und zu erschaffen
- um mehr All-EINS-Sein auf der ganzen Erde zu aktivieren
Die Ticketpreise führen nach Steuern wir der Mission zu.
Jayahnia and the mission team / und das Missionsteam
(Photo from Unsplash)
Ticket NewMoon 11.1.24
This ticket invites you to participate in the ceremony live online via Zoom or via recording. Thank you 🙏🏻 for helping us raise funds for this global peace 🕊 mission.
Pay what you want+Service feeSale ended